…but god… Episode 174
“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though something strange were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that at the revelation of His glory you may also rejoice and be overjoyed.”
1 Peter 4:12-13 NASB2020
Was their any other day that was more fiery and brutal that the day Jesus was beaten, scourged and killed?
Jesus endured it all for us. That is why this day is called Good Friday! Because, Jesus endured the bad so we could have the relationship with “The Good Good Father”.
Let’s not ignore or gloss over what Jesus endured.
He endured, the betrayal of one of his closest friends, He had to keep insurrection from happening when Peter cut the ear off of a guard who came to arrest Jesus. He then had to endure insults, lies, false testimony against him, then he was spit upon and beaten all the while the Pharisees were asking him to tell them who hit him. That was all before he left the Sanhedrin. Then he is sent to Governor Pilate who continues questioning and he must hear the lies and slander again. Pilate sentences Jesus to a lashing which he again endured being beaten and whipped. Not just with any whip a whip filled with glass, rock and metal, meant to tear the flesh off of his back. If that were not enough the soldiers put a crown of thorns upon his head, these were not rose thorns these were long thorns probably like Bougainvillea thorns
He was paraded in front of Pilate and then had to endure the shame of people shouting “Crucify Him.” Probably some of the same people who had 5 days before were waving palm leaves and shouting “Hosanna”.
Then Jesus was forced to carry the cross that weighed more than he did to the place of the skull. Then Jesus was nailed to that cross through his wrists and feet and put upright to suffocate. Not a “Good” day.
But God, through Christ still had compassion. Jesus even forgave those who had perpetrated these horrible acts upon him.
“[But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”] And they cast lots, dividing His garments among themselves.”
Luke 23:34 NASB2020
Jesus suffered all this so that we would not have to. This turmoil would be for all eternity. It’s what we deserve for being sinful and turning our back on the one who created us and loves us! But that day of pain, destruction and death would not mean a thing without Easter Sunday and The resurrection of Jesus. For the cross gives us forgiveness but the resurrection gives us eternal life with God. That is the Good News! If we believe this to be true, then we are saved and we can began a new life following our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.
Lord God, words of Thanksgiving are not enough. But we know you are enough. We know we have been forgiven and have eternal life with you. We also know that when we are going through a difficult time you know what that is like and you can give us rest and peace. Help us to rely on you and be grateful for what you have endured for us. Help us to humbly except your sacrifice and joyfully celebrate your resurrection!
In Jesus Name we pray Amen!
Shalom, Shalom Blessings. Press In and Press On!
Hosted by Chad McBeam